SOLO Taxonomy

A useful framework for moving from loose ideas to extended ideas.

Refer to notes in notebook and these resources.

Have a look at the Learning Intention generator.

What am I doing ?

How well is it going?

What should I do next?

Using MAPS

What word walls – anchor charts can we co construct that act as a catalyst.

SOLO Taxonomy Biggs and Collis 1982. Verbs for each element

ie: unistructural : Define, Identify, Do simple, procedure.

Relational : Formulate questions, Compare/ contrast Explain cuases, sequence, classify, analyse, part/whole, relate, anology, apply.

Multistructural: Define, describe, list, do algorithm, combine.

Extended Abstract: Evaluate, Theorise, Generalise, Predict, Create, Imagine, Hypothesise, Reflect.

Hey – This is important. Students knowing how to do these verbs can make their learning visible.

Uni – Define

Multi – Describe

Sequence, classify, compare and contrast, cause and effect , analysis, analogy

Generalization, Prediction, Evaluate, Create




Use hand signals to get feedback on the student performance:


Generic Rubric


No idea hwere to begin

Can follow pattern someone else shows me

Can give it a go BUT  make mistakes

Can do it and self correct mistakes


Can apply this thinking in a real world situation Can create examples for others –  Can zoom out.


Greg Patel examples of Thinking like a Mathematician rubrics.


Example of rubric generator.

ie: verb, recycle

Content: Materials

Context: At School



Other practitioners:


Also look at this FUSE

Also check out

Hexagons. Chris Heart

What connections is this making for me right now?

At face value – this is a platform which empowers students to take ownership of their own learning. It provides a whole school langAqd

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